As most of you probably know there is lots of stuff in the News lately about unemployment and the general state of the Job Market, and it got me thinking, firstly about how lucky I am, and Indeed how lucky any of us are to have a half decent job, I mean, it seems to me all there is on offer at the moment is bloody supermarket jobs, not much choice If you are a school leaver who didn’t make it to Uni but still wants to make something of their life…thats why Im so impressed with Jack Mason, did you know that our dear Jackie boy used to be a Fork Lift Truck driver ? I shit you not..he used to race up and down a warehouse between racks of Pallets in his little Hitachi ForkLift racing his mates with a roll up pursed tightly between his lips dreaming about one day lifting something slightly more glamourous than a pallet full of cat litter…

Caprice Jane fucked in the shower

Between breaks on this shoot with the lovely Caprice Jane, Jack regaled me with his adventures in his previous life…’oh aye man, was op and fockin’ don with me fookin truck all day like, fookin borin was too like’… bear with me now, Jack is from Derby so some translation is required, apparently life was none to exciting for the wee lad.. ‘don me porn now like top bird Caprice liftin her on me fookin cock like, fookin way mon love it yeah’..

from lifting pallets of cat litter to lifting the gorgeous Caprice Jane ..the boy done good!

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